Over the years, I’ve received many questions about the ISBN for children’s books, so I wanted to create an ISBN Cheat Sheet specifically for us children’s book authors. 

This article will address everything you need to know in order to make the best decision for your own children’s book:

  1. WHAT is an ISBN
  2. WHEN do I need an ISBN
  3. WHICH type of ISBN to use
  4. WHERE to get your ISBN (US + International)
  5. ISBN vs. Barcode
  6. OFTEN-MISSED Final Step
  7. Downloadable ISBN Cheat Sheet

What Is An ISBN? And Do I Even Need An ISBN For Children’s Books?

When it comes to our ISBN (International Standard Book Number), every book that’s meant for sale needs one (that also holds true for accompanying coloring books, that some of my students decide to create for their children’s book). 

ISBNs used to be 10 digits in length, but since 2007 they now always consist of 13 digits. It is meant to be an identifier for text-based (and in our case illustration-based) publications. It essentially identifies the registrant as well as the specific title, edition, and format of your book.

Now, the confusion often begins with what book format requires an ISBN. Here are the 3 basic rules:

1. Each format requires its own ISBN.

So let’s say you decide to publish your book as a (1) paperback, (2) hardcover, and (3) boardbook. Because these are 3 different formats, each will require its own ISBN.

2. Each new edition requires a new ISBN.

Every time we update our book that significantly alters the content, it is considered a new edition, and therefore requires a new ISBN. The keyword here is “significantly.” This, of course, does NOT include simply updates and changes due to typos or other small changes or additions made.

3. Ebooks do NOT require their own ISBN.

Here, Amazon assigns an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) to help identify each ebook.

A Purchased ISBN vs. A Free ISBN For Children’s Books

When formatting and uploading our children’s book, Amazon provides us with two options regarding our ISBN:
  1. A free ISBN provided directly via KDP
  2. Our own previously acquired ISBN
Which one should you choose?

Well, the answer depends entirely on the goal for your precious children’s book. If you are planning to only offer your book on Amazon and via Amazon (KDP), then using their provided ISBN would be okay. However, because it is an internally recognized ISBN only, you won’t be able to offer your book with this particular ISBN anywhere else. 

I personally always purchase and provide my own ISBN, simply because I prefer the flexibility it brings with it. That way, I can set my book up on other distribution platforms as well and am not tied to Amazon. 

This, of course, brings me to our next questions:

Where Do I Purchase An ISBN For Children’s Books?

Sadly, there have been many occurrences of ISBN scams over the years, which is why the only way I ever recommend purchasing your own ISBN is via the official US ISBN Agency, named Bowker. (for ISBN Agencies outside of the US, please visit this link right here

As of 2021, the cost of a single ISBN is $125. If you’re at all planning on writing more than one book (which I hope you do), consider purchasing your ISBNs in bulk. Doing so will decrease this cost substantially. 

For example, a bundle of 10 ISBNs is $295. So if you were to write even just 2 books, you’d have already been better off by purchasing a bundle of 10.


10-BUNDLE: $295 ($29.50 per ISBN)

100-BUNDLE: $575 ($5.75 per ISBN)

Especially if you’re planning to publish your book in different formats, you should consider the bundle of 10 ISBNs.

Now, while I strongly recommend you purchase your ISBNs via Bowker, here is what I recommend NOT to buy from Bowker: a barcode. Read on to find out why.

The Difference Between an ISBN and a Barcode

Most stores or online platforms such as Amazon require a scannable barcode rendition of the assigned ISBN to allow for booksellers to automatically capture the ISBN.
Each ISBN will have to essentially be converted into a scannable barcode. Here are the barcode rules for your children’s books.

1. Paperback:

Fortunately, Amazon makes it really easy for us by now automatically generating the barcode for us whenever we’re publishing a book through them. 

The only drawback for those provided barcodes is that they will be automatically added to our backcover. And because of that, we have no control over its placement (it’s generally the bottom right corner). If you need more flexibility with the placement, you can also choose to provide your own barcode.

2. Hardcover:

Since Amazon does not offer a hardcover option, we have to use a different provider that prints and distributes our childrens’ book. Therefore Amazon will not provide the barcode to us and we have to create it elsewhere (I’ll share below where to get your barcode.) 

3. Ebooks:

Since Ebooks are digital, and since they don’t require an ISBN as mentioned earlier, we don’t have to worry about a barcode.

Where To Get Your Barcode

Now, I shared earlier that I don’t recommend purchasing your barcode from Bowker because we can actually get one someplace else absolutely FREE!  

The place I’ve been using for years to generate all my barcodes is Bookow

I also share this process in my book How to Self-Publish a Children’s Book. It’s super easy, really quick, and absolutely free! Here is a screenshot of all the steps. You only need to fill in the items I outlined in red for you. Let’s take a look:

1. Your ISBN-13:

In the first field, we’ll simply copy and paste our ISBN-13 exactly the way it has been given to us from the Bowker website, hyphens and all.

2. Your Email Address:

Next, we’ll enter the email address we wish the barcode generator to send the generated barcode to.

3. Image Resolution:

Here, we’ll select our desired resolution level. A DPI of 300 is all we need, so be sure to select this one.

4. Choose The Format:

And the last step is to choose what format we want our barcode in. We have two options:
  • As a PDF file
  • As a PNG image
Because we’ll need our barcode as an image, be sure to select the PNG image button. 

And that’s it. By the time you head over to your inbox, your barcode will already be waiting for you. 

One more quick note here: after you hit the “Email .PNG Barcode” button, the next screen will provide you with the opportunity to make a small donation. Whether or not you do so is of course absolutely up to you.  

The Final Step (Don’t Skip This One!)

I felt it important to add this one final step here, mostly because it’s the step that most new authors forget, simply because they don’t know.

Once we have published your beautiful children’s book, we have to log back into Bowker (where we originally purchased our ISBN) in order to assign our ISBN to the title of your newly published book. 

Here are the steps for you:

  1. Log back into Bowker
  2. Click on MY ACCOUNT in the top menu
  3. Select MANAGE ISBNs
  4. Select the ISBN you want to assign and fill in all the required book information

Once you’re done, your ISBN will be marked as ASSIGNED and you’re officially done!  

I’ve created your very own printable ISBN Cheat Sheet for you, that will visually guide you through the entire process, so you won’t miss a single thing. To access it, simply let me know where to send it right here:

YOU DID IT! Now you know absolutely everything you need to know to go out into the world and make the best and most informed decision regarding the ISBN for your beautiful children’s book! 

If you found this article valuable, it would be so wonderful if you could share it with other fellow authors you think would benefit from it. Going it alone is hard, so let’s support each other!


~ Eevi

P.S.: If you need help with the formatting and setup of your beautiful children’s book, please feel free to check out my Formatting Mastery course, which you can join here for 20% off its regular price.

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